





一、business and businesses商業(yè)和公司
A business,company,or firm is an organization that sells goods or services .A business may also be referred to formally as a concern.Business is the production,buying,and selling of goods and services.

A business may be referred to approvingly as an enterprise to emphasize its adventurous, risk-taking qualities, and business in general may be referred to in the same way, for example in combinations such as free enterprise and private enterprise.

Business is also referred to as commerce. This word, and its related adjective commercial, are often used to distinguish the business sphere from other areas such as government or the arts, or to distinguish it from nonmoney-making activities.

Business 商業(yè);生意;公司 Company 公司;商號

Firm (合伙的)商號;商行 Concern 康采恩(壟斷企業(yè)形式之一)

Commerce 商業(yè); 商務 Commercial 商業(yè)的;商務的;商用的 

Enterprise 企事業(yè)單位 Free Enterprise 自由企業(yè)

Private Enterprise 私人企業(yè)

二、From multinationals to small firms 從跨國公司到小型企業(yè) 

Large companies are referred to as corporations, especially in the United States. Corporate is used to describe things relating to a corporation, or to corporations in general, in expressions like the ones in the next exercise. Large companies operating in many countries are multinationals.

Big business can refer to large business organizations or to any business activity that makes a lot of money. Small companies are referred to as small businesses or small firms.

Unlike some languages, English does not have an everyday term for small and medium-sized companies, apart from this rather clumsy expression.

Corporation 大公司;股份有限公司 Corporate 法人;團體

Multinational 跨國的;多國的 Big business 大型企業(yè);大公司

Small and medium sized companies中小規(guī)模的公司 

Small business 小公司 Small firm 小公司

三、Industries and sectors 工業(yè)及其部門 

Businesses may be classified according to which industry they are in: for example construction, oil, banking, food.

Sector is sometimes used to mean industry in the same way, particularly by specialists such as financial journalists, but it is more often used to talk about different parts of the economy in combinations such as public sector and private sector, or about types of business in expressions like service sector and manufacturing sector.

Industry 工業(yè);產(chǎn)業(yè) Sector 部門;部分 

Public sector 公共部門 Private sector 私營部門 

manufacturing sector 制造部門 Service sector 服務部門

四、Public sector and private 公共部門和私營部門 

When a private company is bought by the state and brought into the public sector, it is nationalized in a process of nationalization. A nationalized company is state-owned. When the state returns a company to the private sector in a sell-off, it is privatized. This is privatization.

The first to be sold off in a privatization program are often the companies responsible for the public supply of electricity, water and gas: the utilities.

Nationalized 國有化的 Nationalization 國有化

Privatized 私有化的 Privatization 私有化

State-owned 國有的 Sell off 廉價出清 

Utilities 公用事業(yè);公用事業(yè)部門 

五、Stakes 份額;股份
If Company A owns shares or equity in Company B, A has or holds a stake, holding or shareholding in B. If A owns less than half the shares in B, it has a minority stake in B.

If A owns more than half the shares in B, it has a majority stake or controlling stake in B. If you have shares in a company you are a shareholder.

Shares/stake 份額;股份 Equity 股份;產(chǎn)權;普通股票

Holding 持有;股票額 Shareholding 持有股票數(shù)

Shareholder 股東 Hold a stake 持有份額

Majority stake 大股東(50%以上) Controlling stake 大股東

Minority stake 小股東

原作者: MBA100 


一、Parents and sisters 母公司和姐妹公司 

A holding or holding company is one that holds stakes in one or more subsidiaries. If it owns all the shares in a subsidiary, the subsidiary is a wholly-owned one.

A holding company's relationship to its subsidiaries is that of parent company, and the subsidiaries relationship to each other is that of sister companies. A holding and its subsidiaries form a group.

A conglomerate is a group containing a lot of different companies in different businesses. Journalists also refer to large groups as giants.

Holding company 控股公司 Subsidiary 子公司

Wholly-owned subsidiary 全資子公司 Parent company 母公司

Sister company 姐妹公司 Group 集團公司 

Conglomerate 聯(lián)合大企業(yè) Giant 大企業(yè);企業(yè)巨人(新聞用語)

二、Predators,raiders,and white knights 掠奪者、搶劫者和善意合作者 

The takeover process is often described in terms of one animal hunting another: a company or individual seeking to take over another company may be referred to as a predator, and the target company as the prey. Predators are also referred to as raiders or corporate raiders.

A company wishing to resist, ward off, or fend off being taken over has a number of options. It may devise plans that give existing shareholders special rights, or it may make itself less attractive to bidders by selling off a valuable part of the company, or holding on to an unattractive one. Actions like these are poison pills.

Or it may persuade a friendly partner, a white knight, to take a stake in the company, thus preventing a complete takeover by a hostile bidder. Bidders may agree to withdraw their bid if paid enough money for the shares they hold in the target company. This is green mail.

Predator 掠奪者(惡意吞并其它企業(yè)) Prey 獵物(被惡意并購的企業(yè)) 

Raider 掠奪者(惡意并購其它企業(yè)) Corporate raider 合伙掠奪者 

Fend off a bid 阻止收購 Ward off a bid 阻止收購 

Poison bill毒藥(公司通過給予股東某些特權、或賣掉部分有價值資產(chǎn),而持有或購進價值不大的資產(chǎn),從而減少自己對并購公司的吸引力)

White Knight

Greenmail 綠函交易

三、Leveraged buy-outs and junk bonds 杠桿收購和垃圾債券 

In a leveraged buyout, or LBO, a company is acquired by a group of investors, often financed by heavy borrowing. The debt is then paid out of the target company's operating revenues or by selling its assets.

The borrowing involved in LBOs is often high- risk debt called junk bonds.

LBOs financed by junk were frequent in the 1980s and after an absence following the excesses of that period, they are now occurring again.

Leveraged buy-out 杠杠收購 LBO = Leveraged buy-out 

Junk bonds 高風險債券 

四、Joint ventures and alliances 合資與聯(lián)盟 

Two or more companies may decide to work together by setting up a joint venture or alliance in which each holds a stake.

Joint venture 合資企業(yè) Alliance 企業(yè)聯(lián)盟 

五、Mergers 兼并 

When two companies combine, usually voluntarily, they merge in a merger.

Mergers 兼并 Merger 兼并


一、Restructuring 企業(yè)重組(1) 

A group containing many types of business is diversified. A group's basic business activity, perhaps the one it originally started with, is its core business. Separate business activities may be viewed as profit centers, each responsible for generating profit.

Businesses are often encouraged to concentrate or focus on their core activities and to sell off, spin off, or dispose of non-essential assets. These assets are often referred to as non-core assets.

A sale of assets in this way is referred to as a sell-off, spin-off, or disposal. A spin-off can also refer to a business that has been spun off.

Diversified 多樣化;多角化 Core business 核心經(jīng)營

Profit center 利潤中心 Focus 集中經(jīng)營 

Assets 資產(chǎn);基金 Non-core assets 空心資本

Sell off 拋售 Spin off 剝離;拆分

Dispose of 處理;變賣 Disposal 處理;變賣 

二、Management buy-outs 管理層收購 

When a group is restructured, the managers of a business that is to be sold off may want to buy it themselves in a management buy-out or MBO, usually in combination with an organization providing finance in the form of venture capital.

Management buyout = MBO 管理層收購 Venture capital 風險投資

三、Entrepreneurs and tycoons 企業(yè)家和金融巨頭

An entrepreneur (企業(yè)家) is usually someone who builds up a company from nothing: a start-up (新創(chuàng))company.

Entrepreneurs may one day become tycoons(實業(yè)界/金融界巨頭), magnates(產(chǎn)業(yè)大王)or moguls(工商巨擘): rich and successful people with power and influence who head big organizations, usually ones they have built up themselves and in which they have a large personal stake.

四、Managers and executives 經(jīng)理和董事

A manager is someone in a position of responsibility in an organization. An executive(總經(jīng)理;董事) is usually a manager at quite a high level. Executives are also execs, an informal expression. People at the head of an organization are senior executives(高級董事/主管) or senior managers(高層管理者/總經(jīng)理), top executives(高層領導者)or top managers(總經(jīng)理). 

五、Ladies and gentlemen of the board 董事會成員

The people legally responsible for a company are its board or board of directors(理事會/董事會).

In the US,the head of a company may have the title president(總裁/董事長). Again, the responsibilities of this post vary from company to company, and the post may be combined with another.

In the US, a senior manager in charge of a function may have the title vice-president(副總裁/副董事長) and may be on the board. One vice president may have responsibility for running the company, or maybe not, as the last example below indicates only too well.

Executive directors(執(zhí)行董事) on a board are high level managers of the company. Other directors are non-executive directors(非常務董事), perhaps bringing their knowledge and experience to several company boards.


一、Headhunting 獵頭

Headhunters(獵頭者) are specialist consultants who search for highlevel, often board-level, executives and try to persuade them to leave their current job in order to go to work in another company. Managers found in this way are headhunted in a process of headhunting.

Executives may be persuaded to move company by the promise of a golden hello(見面禮):a large sum of money or some other financial enticement offered by the company they move to. 

二、Executive pay 主管人員的收入

When talking about executive pay, compensation(薪水)can refer, confusingly, to two different things:

* what top executives get for running a company.
* what they get on leaving a company.
Apart from salary, an executive's compensation package(工資袋)can include:

* bonuses: extra payments, sometimes, but not always, related to the firm's performance.
* benefits(福利;津貼)and perks(額外津貼)ranging from share options(優(yōu)先股票權), the right to buy the company's shares at an advantageous price, to a chauffeur-driven car.
Remuneration(待遇)is also used to talk about executives' salary and benefits.

三、Executive pay-offs 主管人員的遣散費

A compensation package for an executive leaving a company is also known as a golden goodbye(黃金再見), golden handshake(黃金握別), or golden parachute(黃金降落).

Compensation for someone leaving a company may be referred to as a compensation payment, compensation payoff, or compensation payout(賠償金).

These payments may form part of a severance package(解雇金).

Severance payments can be the subject of complex negotiations when an executive leaves, or is ousted(免職): forced to leave.

When executives are ousted, people may talk about companies giving them the golden boot(給被解職/離職的主管人員的補償金). 

四、Numbers people 計算數(shù)值的人

Business organizations obviously need people who are good with numbers and computers.

People refer, slightly offensively, to accountants and other numerate specialists as bean-counters(數(shù)值計算專家/會計) or numbercrunchers(數(shù)值計算專家).

Rocket scientists(這里指由金融機構聘請的專門處理最新的、極為復雜的金融工具的數(shù)學及相關學科的高級專門人才) are people with advanced qualifications in mathematics and related subjects recruited by financial institutions to work on new and extremely complex financial products. 

五、Management and labour 勞資雙方

People working for a company are referred to as its workforce(勞動力), employees(雇工), staff(職員), of personnel(雇員) and are on its payroll(工資發(fā)放名冊).

In some contexts, especially more conservative ones, employees and workforce refer to those working on the shopfloor(車間)of a factory actually making things. Similarly, staff is sometimes used to refer only to managers and officebased workers.

This traditional division is also found in the expressions white-collar(白領) and blue-collar(藍領).

Another traditional division is that between management(資方)and labor(勞方).


一、Personnel or human resources? 職員還是人力資源

The people working for an organization are, formally, its personnel(職員/人事). In large organizations, administration of people is done by the personnel department(人事部), although this expression is now sometimes rejected. Companies talk instead about their human resources(人力資源)or HR and human resource management(人力資源管理) or HRM. 

二、Hiring and firing 雇傭和解雇

Personnel departments are usually involved in finding new staff and recruiting(招聘)them, hiring(雇傭)them, or taking them on, in a process of recruitment. Someone recruited is a recruit(新進人員), or in American English only, a hire. They are also involved when people are made to leave the organization, or fired(被解雇). These responsibilities are referred to, relatively informally, as hiring and firing(雇傭和解雇). If you leave a job voluntarily, you quit(辭職).

三、 Delayering and downsizing 延緩和精簡編制

Middle managers(中程主管)are those in the hierarchy between senior management and front-line managers(基層管理人員) or line managers(生產(chǎn)線管理人員), the people managing employees.

Middle managers are now most often mentioned in the context of re-engineering(流程再造), delayering(延緩), downsizing(精簡編制), or rightsizing: all these expressions describe the recent trend for companies to reduce the numbers of people they employ, often by getting rid of layers of managers from the middle of the hierarchy. An organization that has undergone this process is lean(精干的)and its hierarchy flat(扁平的)

四、Empowerment 授權

Organizations say that they are eliminating middle levels of their hierarchies so as to empower(授權)ordinary workers and employees.

This process of empowerment is designed to give them the authority to make decisions that were previously taken by middle managers.

五、Getting the sack 解雇

When people lose their jobs, they are dismissed(被開除) or made redundant(被解雇). When people are laid off(被辭退)like this, commentators talk about the number of dismissals(裁員)or redundancies(勞力過剩)involved.

六、Stress 工作壓力

The people left in an organisation after it has been downsized often have more to do. Stress is a combination of tension and anxiety often caused by overwork(工作過度). working too much. People say that they are under stress, stressed, or stressed out when they are overworked. People who have been under so much stress that they are unlikely to recover enough to do their jobs properly again are described as burned out(筋疲力盡), or in British English only, burnt out. 

七、 Outplacement 獲任新職(公司為其被解雇員工在另一公司找到工作) 

Outplacement is when a company helps people it is making redundant find new jobs in other organizations


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